Well, I thought I would start this new thing called blogging. I figured that it would be especially good for those of you that like to keep track of your friend/niece/cousin/daughter Danielle, and even better when I go to Europe I will be posting here.
To catch some of you up, I am living in Cedar city Utah in a rental home with 6 other girls. Its actually not as bad as it sounds. We get along incredibly well under the circumstances that we are all female/very busy/are all having our own boy/family and school issues/and are all poor. But even with all that, I love it. My
roommates are amazing and we have a blast. I am working at a pediatric office as a Medical Assistant and I
absolutely love it. Aside from the fact that I get to interact with adorable kids, and the staff is the best, I also have some of the dirty work like giving those adorable kids shots and taking their blood. Oh well, welcome to medicine Danielle other than that my job is pretty much perfect. I am going to Southern Utah
University where I am completing my
pre-requisites to get me into the nursing program also here at
SUU. It is a really good school, I am even enjoying
English which if any of you know me well, is quite an accomplishment :)
Other than the general things there, today it hit me... I am an adult. When did that happen? What is this
peculiar thing called being an adult? Yeah you hear since you are young that at 18 years old you are a legal adult but it doesn't really mean anything until you are paying rent and a car payment and buying groceries and working full time while going to school and making life changing decisions all while trying to stay
sane... Once
again, when did this happen? I guess I started becoming an adult when I moved out at 17.
Technically though I am only 2/3 adult since my amazing father stills pays 1/2 my bills. Thanks again dad. Although being on your own does have its perks, I have my own car, I don't have a curfew, and I guess I could legally smoke if I really wanted to (don't
worry dad, just found out I am allergic to cigarette smoke) But what
happened to the old days when my biggest
worry was that I had to clean my room, or that I didn't get invited to the most
popular girls birthday party. I actually miss the early morning dance and even better the chores that would only take me 30 minutes top. Now my chores take me all day and into the next morning.
Oh to be a kid again...